Descendants of Captain Arthur Fenner
Kenneth Raymond Fenner Jr.
Kenneth Raymond Fenner Jr., early 1940s, courtesy of Rick Buckingham.
[b 29 Oct. 1924 at Shinglehouse, Potter Co., PA; d 13 June 2000 at Cape St. John, Anne Arundel Co., MD] Kenneth Raymond Fenner Jr. was baptized into the Shinglehouse Methodist Episcopal Church on 31 July 1932 and became a member on 9 Oct. 1939. Ken served in the U.S. Army during World War II in southeast Asia and the South Pacific. He m Isabelle Hughes [b Aug. 1925] on 5 Apr. 1947 in Olean, Cattaraugus Co., NY. Following the war, Ken earned a diploma in accounting from the Baltimore College of Commerce and a Bachelor of Law degree from the Mt. Vernon School of Law. He later earned a Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Baltimore and became an employee of the Federal government. Starting in 1980, he had been “. . . employed in the private sphere . . . [and] continued his family’s long-standing affiliation with the Baptist movement by serving as a lay minister.”[1]
Linda May [b 27 Oct. 1950] m Michael D. Jenkins on 22 Aug. 1970; they had Kelly Lynn [b 23 Oct. 1973 at Baltimore, MD] and Kimberly.
David Kenneth [b 8 Apr. 1953].
Dean Raymond [b Aug. 22, 1954].
Deedre [b Sept. 22, 1958] m Kevin Webster in Sept., 1980 and divorced.
Kenneth & Isabelle, wedding 5 Apr. 1947 in Olean, NY. Courtesy of Rick Buckingham.