Descendants of Captain Arthur Fenner
Isaac Fenner
Isaac Fenner & Amelia Potter, courtesy of Rick Buckingham.
[b 8 May 1795 at Westerly, RI; d 15 Apr. 1877 at Alfred, NY] Isaac Fenner m 1st Amelia Potter [b 4 Apr. 1799; d 1 Dec. 1872] of Potter Hill, Rhode Island, on 10 Feb. 1820. He and Amelia moved to Alfred, Allegany Co., NY, around 1822–24. He owned a successful dairy farm with a lucrative cheese business, and he operated a general store at the corner of Church Street and Elm Street.
In later years, when the first flush of fertility of the soil was exhausted, it was found that grass, oats and potatoes was surer and more profitable crops than corn and wheat, so stock-raising and dairying became the chief business [of Alfred, NY]. This was doubtless brought about the earlier in this town by the settlement of several thrifty families of dairymen from Herkimer county, notably those of Isaac Fenner, George and Josiah Sherman, and Samuel N. Stillman. Their skill and success was imparted from neighbor to neighbor until, by 1850, butter and cheese were made on nearly every farm. The opening of the Erie railroad in 1853 gave access to new and greater markets. The cheese factory and creamery came later to improve the quality, increase the quantity, and thereby stimulate the business, which, small in its beginnings, has grown to immense proportions. There are five cheese factories in the town at present, 1895. Butter, cheese, maple syrup, apples, potatoes, hay, sheep and calves are shipped in large quantities.[1]
Isaac increased his property until he owned the largest dairy and dairy farm in the town, and manufactured cheese which he sold locally. Realizing that greater profit lay in wider marketing, he began hauling his cheese to Rochester, New York.[2]
Isaac and Amelia joined the First Alfred Seventh Day Baptist Church around 1828, then moved his membership to the Second church in 1869. He m 2nd Esther Holmes Handy in 1873.
In Alfred, N.Y., April 15th, 1877, Isaac Fenner, aged 81 years, 11 months, and 7 days. He was born near Providence, R.I., of English parentage. At the age of twenty-four, came with his father to Herkimer county, where, after stopping a few days, he came on to Alfred and spent the Summer. The next February he was married to Amelia, daughter of Col. Nathan Potter, of Potter Hill, R.I., and with her, the next October, moved to Herkimer, where they lived five years, and then came to Allegany to spend the rest of their lives. Here, for more than half a century, his life has been one of unusual activity, not only in his own business, but in all public measures for the good of the society. Among those who helped to build up Alfred Academy, his name will be cherished and his oft repeated assistance duly remembered.
Together with his wife he joined the 1st Alfred church, of which they remained members till, moving in 1869 to near the 2d Alfred, they brought letters and cast in their lot with us. Soon, the hand of death was laid upon them, and a devoted wife was taken from her earthly labors to her heavenly rest. After traveling alone, another was called, who has tenderly cared for him in his old age, and now, with the children, mourn their irreparable loss. Thus through more than four score years the good hand of the Lord led him on, so that he could say, in the language of David, “God is my helper.”
—The Sabbath Recorder, vol. 33, no. 17 (26 Apr. 1877), p. 3.
Children of Isaac and Amelia:
Henry [b 26 Sept. 1821; d 2 Mar. 1832].
William [b 2 Apr. 1823; d aft 1877 at Auburn, NY] m Georgianna Boyd on 24 Dec. 1852 in Providence, RI; no children.
Susan [b 22 Nov. 1824; d 25 Sept. 1901] m Joseph Smith.
Eliza [b 24 Nov. 1826; d 24 May 1830].
Lucy Ardelia [b 2 Mar. 1828; d 14 May 1830].
Asa Albert [b 5 Aug. 1829; d 14 Mar. 1832].
Andrew Jackson [b 29 Feb. 1832; d 26 Sept. 1911]. Married twice.
Elisha Potter [b 31 July 1834; d 31 Dec. 1919] m 1st Elizabeth Hall; m 2nd Harriet Smith.
Adelia Miranda [b 11 May 1836; d 12 July 1907] m Chauncey Isham.
Lucinda [b 16 July 1838; d 3 Mar. 1906] m Darius Davis.
Edward [b 16 Jan. 1840; d 6 Aug. 1841].