Descendants of Captain Arthur Fenner
Homer Darwin Fenner
[b 9 May 1944 at Sturgis, MI; d 20 May 2020 at Middlebury Twp., Elkhart Co., IN] Homer Darwin Fenner, usually called Dar, joined the Navy. After boot camp at Great Lakes, Illinois, he was sentinel's 1962 to Naval Air Station Jacksonville, FL, where he served under his brother Lt. Cmdr. Richard C. Fenner for about a year. He was transferred from there in June of 1963, and after a delayed leave to his home in Michigan, he reported to the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk on 12 July 1963. He m 1st Linda Kay Denby on 14 Apr. 1963 in Jacksonville, FL; m 2nd Sue Ann Mack on 30 March 1969 in Burr Oak, MI, but divorced; m 3rd Wendy Finch but divorced; m 4th Colleen Hoyt. Dar is buried at Fort Custer National Cemetery, Augusta, MI.
Child by Linda Denby:
Darwin Fitzgerald [b 29 Mar. 1965 at Jacksonville, FL].
Child by Wendy Finch:
Lance Joseph [b 10 Sept. 1974; d 24 Sept. 1987], died in a car accident. He was a student at Marcellus Middle School, and the driver of the vehicle was a 15-year-old classmate.
Homer Darwin, 1950.
Homer Darwin, ca. 1960.
JAX Air News, 13 June 1963.