Descendants of Captain Arthur Fenner
Cindy Gail Fenner
[b 7 Nov. 1958 at Jacksonville, FL] After graduating from high school, Cindy initially entered the construction trade, following in the footsteps of her sister’s husband Roger Stubig and her brother Richard, by enrolling at Ferris State College. On 8 July 1978, Cindy Gail Fenner m 1st Frank G. Loedeman [b 20 Sept. 1951 at Kalamazoo, MI], son of Jeannette M. Loode and Gerald F. Loedeman. Frank was an auto mechanic, specializing in auto glass repair, with a particular interest in Corvettes. For most of their marriage, they lived on Aquaview Drive, across from Eagle Lake, in a spacious house built by Cindy’s brother Richard Gary Fenner. The property had a pole barn owned by Cindy’s parents, which housed an auto shop with a hydraulic lift. Cindy and Frank divorced in 2001.
Cindy and Frank, 1978.
Loedeman house construction, 1986.
Fenner Christmas at Aquaview Dr., 1991.
The pole barn auto shop at Aquaview Dr., 1998.
On 7 April 2001 in Kalamazoo, MI, Cindy m 2nd Paul Patrick Eggers [b 26 Dec. 1959 in South Haven, MI]. Paul served in the U.S. Navy 1980–1988 as 1st class Electricians Mate aboard the USS Sam Rayburn nuclear sub during the Reagan years. When they lived in Mattawan, MI, Cindy and Paul served together at 12th Street Baptist Church as musicians on the praise team. Paul was also the choir director and Cindy sang in the choir. In September 2019, they moved to Branson, MO, for Cindy to pursue opportunities as a seamstress in the tourism entertainment industry there.
Porsha Gail [b 19 Dec. 1982 at Kalamazoo, MI; bpt 3 Oct. 1993] m Scotty Lee Osborne on 25 June 2004 in Parchment, MI. They had Keirra Cruze Osborne [b 28 Jan. 2011] and Tylin Knight Osborne [b 23 Mar. 2013].
Keith Corey [b 18 Sept. 1986 at Kalamazo, MI; bpt 21 May 1995], a Navy pilot, m Kristen Ann Elford on 20 Aug. 2016 in Long Beach, CA. They had Maverick Danger Loedeman [b 14 July 2018 at Oxnard, CA], Shelby Danger [b 16 Mar. 2022], and Rocky Danger [b 13 Oct. 2024]. Keith attained the rank of Lieutenant Commander in 2021.
Nick Jacob [b 14 Aug. 1990 at Kalamazoo, MI; bpt 7 Mar. 1999] m Grace Swanson on 19 June 2021 in Detroit, MI. They had Silas Aaron [b 4 Mar. 2022] and Aria Yvette [b 4 Oct. 2023].
Cindy and Paul, 2009.