Descendants of Captain Arthur Fenner
Carol Blythe Fenner
[b 31 Dec. 1932 at Bronson, MI] Carol Blythe Fenner m Jack German [b 5 May 1931] on12 Feb. 1949. Jack was the son of Fred German [b 4 Jan. 1893] and Beaulah Everling [b 21 July 1905]. Jack was born in Steuben Co., Indiana. They lived in Colon, MI. All the children were born at Sturgis Memorial Hospital in Sturgis, MI.
Rick Eugene [b 6 Feb. 1952] married twice.
Penny Joan [b 3 Nov. 1953] m John Wagar [b 14 Sept. 1949] on 3 May 1975. They had Nathan E. [b 1 Sept. 1977], and Melissa Jo [b 20 Nov. 1980].
Robyn Renee [b 3 May 1958] m Daniel Czajkowski.
Carol, Eva, Penny, 1955.
Carol Fenner, 1949, at the Colon, MI, family farm.